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Struggling to deal with change going on around you?

Coaching, Executive Coaching, Change Management

Change Management

"The only constant in life is change" 

                                                                    - Heraclitus (Greek Philosopher) 


Human Resources is more and more about effective Change management. Firstly being able to manage change for yourself and secondly being able to help others, individuals, teams and organisations, through change swiftly. 


Helping individuals to understand, commit to, accept and embrace change in their current context is the key to a successful organisation. Helping ensure an agility to manage in our constantly changing world. 


I can help you manage change in a number of ways...... 


Coaching, Executive Coaching, Change Management

Free Training

Check the link below to help you understand how to manage change for yourself 

Change Toolkit

Learn about a change management process and a range of handy tools to implement change

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Coaching for Change 

Need some coaching to help you, your team or your organisation to manage change effectively

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If you are in need of Change management support or consultancy give me a call to see how I can help 

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Free Training

How good are you at managing change? 

This 10 minute training will help you understand how prepared for change you are and give you some helpful hints to get you into a great frame of mind for managing future change. 


Including access to a personal action plan


The Change Toolkit


Create an awareness and urgency for the need to change


Desire to participate & support the change 


'Technical' knowledge on how to change 


The skills and behaviour to implement the change 


The ability to reinforce and sustain the change 

The Change Toolkit will give you the practical tools to implement fantastic change for your organisation. 


The Toolkit will give you a 'pick and mix' of different tools to help guide through the different stages of the change model to land positive change well first time. 


Having someone to have a conversation with, kick around some ideas and ask those all important questions, can help move a situation forward, when you find yourself ‘stuck’. 


My Coaching Sessions or Mentoring 

Programme can help with providing some objective “Ah-Ha” moments that help you understand the change curve and how it applies to you, as well as helping with any specific change management issues that you might be facing with your team or organisation. 

Change Consultancy

Having someone to come and support you with a change initiative in your organisation can help land change in a really positive way, that can help make a lasting difference. 

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